Security First

All data is filtered and monitored by our servers and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

Free Trial

All new accounts qualify for a fully functional 30 day free trial.

User Friendly

We provide an intuitive text-based interface to access dozens of services.

24x7 Support

Support for inmates and their friends and families managing their account.

More Services

More services than any other provider for one low monthly price.

Inmate Services

Information and Communication Resources

Google Search

With Corbot, inmates can do Google searches and get back the top ten results, and then retrieve an all-text version of any website. Although an essential service for legal research, this feature is often used to find employment, housing, and educational resources for inmates prior to release.


Corbot allows inmates to access the world’s go-to source for knowledge. We provide multi-page requests with full text directly from Wikipedia via the Corbot service, allowing inmates access to all of Wikipedia.

Amazon Book Search

One of the only things inmates can actually have mailed in to them is books, and yet the prison systems provide no means for inmates to find books. With Corbot’s Amazon feature, inmates can look-up books by title, author, or genre and retrieve the price and description of each available book.

SMS / Texting

CorBot allows inmates to send and receive SMS text messages to any contact, enhancing connectivity without requiring friends and family to purchase specific apps. This service enables easy management of contacts and ensures compliance with Bureau of Prisons policies, offering a straightforward communication solution for inmates.


Additionally, CorBot offers email capabilities, enabling inmates to communicate directly with anyone outside the prison system. This service is integral for maintaining relationships and managing personal affairs from inside the prison, also in strict adherence to BOP regulations. This functionality ensures that inmates have a reliable and compliant method to stay connected with the outside world.

Contact Manager

CorBot includes a built-in contact manager for all email addresses and text numbers. This allows inmates to easily manage their messaging with simple and easy to remember names like Mom or Sis, without having to type out a full phone number or email address.

We are the premier Virtual Assistant Service for Federal Inmates, proudly serving as the original and longest-standing provider in the industry


What Our Clients Say

Cedric Watson
Federal Inmate

“Using CorBot has transformed my daily life behind bars. Being able to send texts and emails easily helps me stay connected with my family and friends. It feels like I'm still part of their lives despite the distance.”.

Joshua Earls
Federal Inmate

“The ability to search the web and access Wikipedia through CorBot has been invaluable. It's not just about staying informed; it’s about continuing my education and preparing for the future.”.

Scott Douglas
Federal Inmate

“CorBot's book look-up feature is a game changer. I can request books and even build a wish list, which my family can see and buy for me. This service has reignited my love for reading and learning.”

Mike Davis
Federal Inmate

“I was skeptical at first, but CorBot has proven to be a reliable and secure way to manage my communications and access information. It complies with all the regulations and still provides that crucial link to the outside world.”

Choose Your Plan

Flexible Pricing Plans



Monthly Package
  • Google & Amazon
  • Wikipedia
  • Internet Movie Database
  • ChatGPT
  • Song Lyrics
  • Stock & Crypto Prices
  • Sports Lines & Picks
  • SMS / Texting
  • Email
  • Requests Per Day: 10
  • Alfred Requests: 5
  • ...and much More!
15% Off Annual Payments


Monthly Package
  • Google & Amazon
  • Wikipedia
  • Internet Movie Database
  • ChatGPT
  • Song Lyrics
  • Stock & Crypto Prices
  • Sports Lines & Picks
  • SMS / Texting
  • Email
  • Requests Per Day: 20
  • Alfred Requests: 10
  • Personal Texting Number
  • ...and much More!
15% Off Annual Payments


Monthly Package
  • Google & Amazon
  • Wikipedia
  • Internet Movie Database
  • ChatGPT
  • Song Lyrics
  • Stock & Crypto Prices
  • Sports Lines & Picks
  • SMS / Texting
  • Email
  • Requests Per Day: 30
  • Alfred Requests: 20
  • Personal Texting Number
  • ...and much More!
15% Off Annual Payments


Monthly Package
  • Google & Amazon
  • Wikipedia
  • Internet Movie Database
  • ChatGPT
  • Song Lyrics
  • Stock & Crypto Prices
  • Sports Lines & Picks
  • SMS / Texting
  • Email
  • Requests Per Day: 40
  • Alfred Requests: 40
  • Personal Texting Number
  • ...and much More!
15% Off Annual Payments
Reentry Preparation

The first step towards a succesful reentry

CorBot prepares federal inmates for successful reentry by keeping them informed about the outside world. By providing access to web searches, email, and SMS, inmates can stay updated, access educational materials, and maintain important social connections, supporting their readiness to reintegrate into society.

A Watch a short video presentation about our services.

Make a Payment for an Inmate Account

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